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General-Purpose Gasket Materials

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For industrial grade sealing, we offer our range of general-purpose  gasket materials.

As an independent company, we are pleased to stock a number of  different products from a range of brands. These include everything from KlingerSil C4430 to Garlock’s BlueGard 3000 and many more.

Our full range of general-purpose gasket materials includes a large  number of different grades and types to suit various applications. All are stocked in a range of thicknesses with many also held in extra large sheets so larger gaskets can be supplied in one piece when it is required.

Whether you require a economical, all-round compressed fibre material  like our Conafi, a slightly higher spec option like our Blackmar, a  material designed for compressor sealing (C5400) or something else entirely, we’re able to assist.

For assistance in finding the best option for your needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.