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Porous Flexible Insulation Materials

Any Approvals for Water / Food

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  • Nymat Sheet
    Multi-Layered and Composite Insulation


  • Poromat 2248 Cut Strip
    Porous Flexible Insulation Materials

    Poromat 2248

For specialised requirements, we are pleased to provide a range of porous insulation materials. This range includes Polyester and Nomex felt which can both be supplied in a number of sizes.

It also features our Poromat specialised insulation material which is designed to swell and fill voids in surrounding insulation.

We also offer our Nymat composite insulation material. This specialised insulation consists of a single layer of Nomex with felt on one or both sides. The result is a highly absorbent material which offers the excellent dielectric and mechanical strength of Nomex.

All of these specialised insulation materials can be provided in a range  of types to suit your requirements. Cut components can be produced quickly and are often ideal for cutting down on wastage and labour costs.