Nymat is a specialised insulation material produced by AG. It is manufactured from a combination of Nomex® paper (usually Nomex 410 but any grade could conceivably be used), that is bonded on both sides to a layer of high-quality polyester insulating felt. The result is a composite material that combines the high physical and dielectric strength of Nomex with the excellent resin impregnability and flexibility of the insulating felt.
Utilised in electrical insulation applications, Nymat is often employed as slot, phase or layer insulation for repair work that will be subjected to VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnation).
Available Sizes
AG offers Nymat in an enormous variety of thickness combinations and constructions. Technically, any thickness of Nomex (or even multiple layers) could be used. However using either 0.005” or 0.015” Nomex 410 combined with a thin layer of felt on each side is by far the most common.
Nymat can be supplied by AG either in sheets (914mm²), small rolls (maximum width of 914mm) or precisely cut custom components. For more information, or to discuss the suitability of this product for your individual application, feel free to contact your local AG branch or sales representative.