Associated Gaskets

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Thermal Blanket and Batt

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Thermal Batts are a popular choice for insulating large amounts of heat.  Widely used in all kinds of kilns, ovens, furnaces and boilers as well as  for the wrapping of pipes, covering of equipment and lining of surfaces; these flexible insulation materials offer excellent heat breakdown and, depending on the material a range of ancillary benefits.

Associated Gaskets is pleased to offer a large selection of thermal batts.  Available materials include our fibreglass, ceramic and Refrasil batts all stocked in a range of grades and sizes.

This means we can offer insulation batts to suit everything from acoustic and temperature requirements, to thermal protection in environments  greater than 1400°C.

All of these effective insulation materials can be provided by the sheet.  In addition, we also offer a full fabrication service for these insulators.

Our sewing and fabrication teams can incorporate them as fillers in all  kinds of thermal covers and custom-made insulation parts or precision  cut them to suit your needs.