Associated Gaskets

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Associated Gaskets News

Extension Style Gasket Cutters

Allpax Gasket Ring Cutters

At Associated Gaskets we have always prided ourselves on service; doing everything possible to meet tight delivery requirements but we understand that some situations require

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Weicon Flex 310 Polyurethane

MS Polymers – The benefits and Uses

These versatile products are used for both bonding (joining surfaces together) and sealing (bridging gaps, preventing air or fluid transfer).

At Associated Gaskets, we’ve worked with these products for decades. One thing we’ve learnt; they are not all created equal.

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Copper Paste App Image

Our Copper Anti-Seize Paste

Weicon Copper Paste is a high quality protecting, separating and lubricating agent manufactured from a combination of copper and graphite particles combined with special additives.

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