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Marigold 3000T Packing

Material AG000267S01 Category

Marigold 3000T Packing

An interlock braided packing is mechanically tough and characterised by high durability and long lasting performance.

This non-staining and non-contaminating compression packing has excellent heat dissipation properties and offers low friction start-up and operation.

It is typically used in pump and valve applications where temperatures may reach as high as 260ºC.

Marigold 3000T Packing is a general purpose packing manufactured from continuous acrylic blended fibres. These are then impregnated with PTFE and a proprietary inert lubricant which results in very low rates of shaft wear.

White in colour, this non-staining and non-contaminating compression packing has excellent heat dissipation properties and offers low friction start-up and operation.

Marigold 3000T Packing is an interlock braided packing which is mechanically tough and characterised by high durability and long lasting resilience. It is typically used in pump and valve applications where temperatures may reach as high as 260ºC. It’s used in environments with a pH that falls between 2-12, a pressure rating of up to 34 BAR and a shaft speed of 11 MPS.

An incredibly versatile grade, Marigold 3000T Packing is a good choice for a stocked packing as it can be used in so many different applications. For information on a similar packing with aramid corners (and higher abrasion resistance), please see our Marigold 3000T-K Packing.

Available Sizes

This widely stocked packing is readily available in sizes ranging from 3.2mm² through to 25.4mm² (whilst other sizes can be produced to order). It is generally sold in 8mtr packs though longer, continuous lengths can be produced upon request.

AG can also convert Marigold 3000T Packing into preformed packing rings for easy application and hassle free sealing. As this is done in-house, custom sizes and quick turnarounds are no problem.

Additional Information and Resources

PIS Icon
Flax, Ramie and Acrylic Marigold Packings Info Sheet
TDS Icon
Marigold 3000T Packing TDS
Brochure Link Icon
Marigold Pump & Valve Packings Brochure

Max. Continuous Temp.

Gland Packing pH Range

Gland Packing Shaft Speed Rating (mps)

Gland Packing Pressure Rating (bar)

Gland Packing Braid Type

Packing Base Fibre

Packing Lubricant

Any Approvals for Water / Food

Approved for Potable Water

Approved for Gas

Approved for Food Grade Applications

Approved for Oxygen Sealing

Dangerous Goods for Transport