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Marigold 8000T Packing

Material AG000323S01 Category

Marigold 8000T Packing

A high quality grade of packing manufactured using 100% genuine GFO® fibre, a filament yarn made from finely ground particles of high quality graphite which has been encapsulated in a Teflon® matrix to eliminate migration.

This premium quality packing it utilised in pumps and valves which operate in critical applications and offers low friction, long service and extremely good reliability.

Marigold 8000T Packing is a very high quality grade of packing manufactured using 100% genuine GFO® fibre (manufactured by Gore®), a filament yarn made from finely ground particles of high quality graphite which has been encapsulated in a Teflon® matrix to eliminate migration. This premium quality packing it utilised in pumps and valves which operate in critical applications and offers low friction, long service and extremely good reliability.

Marigold 8000T Packing is an interlock braided grade of compression packing designed for high pressure environments. It is used on valves with pressure ratings up to 124 BAR and pumps rated to 20 BAR. It has a shaft speed rating of 22 MPS and outstanding chemical resistance which allows it to be used with mediums across the entire 0-14 pH scale.

Marigold 8000T is utilised in temperatures up to 290ºC and combines the outstanding heat dissipation of graphite with the unparalleled chemical resistance of Teflon®.

Available Sizes

Marigold 8000T Packing is available from AG in standard sizes ranging from 3.2mm² through to 25.4mm². Other, custom, sizes are also available and can be produced upon request. We can also supply this high quality packing in preformed packing rings for easy installation if it suits your requirements.

Complementing this packing are two other, similar, grades of Marigold Packing available from AG: Marigold 8000T-SC and 8000T-K. 8000T-SC features a silicone core for enhanced compression recovery whilst the 8000T-K utilises braided Kevlar® corners for increased abrasion.

For more information on Marigold 8000T, or any other packing in our enormous range, please do not hesitate to contact AG.

  • GFO is a registered trademark of Gore®
  • Teflon® and Kevlar® are registered trademarks of DuPont®

Additional Information and Resources

PIS Icon
GFO Fibre Marigold Packings Info Sheet
TDS Icon
Marigold 8000T Packing TDS
Brochure Link Icon
Marigold Pump & Valve Packings Brochure

Max. Continuous Temp.

Gland Packing pH Range

Gland Packing Shaft Speed Rating (mps)

Gland Packing Pressure Rating (bar)

Gland Packing Braid Type

Any Approvals for Water / Food

Approved for Potable Water

Approved for Gas

Approved for Food Grade Applications

Approved for Oxygen Sealing

Dangerous Goods for Transport