Weicon Welding Protection Spray is a highly economical, highly effective spray used for the cleaning of welding nozzles and the masking of areas around the weld target zone. Unlike many conventional welding anti-splatter sprays, this high quality technical spray is silicone-free which allows it to minimise its sensitivity to the high temperatures experienced at the weld head and to maximise its effective life.
Weicon Welding Protection Spray can be used for the cleaning of welding nozzles after use (eliminating the need for labour intensive cleaning with a spatula, brush or chisel) and the protection of the work piece during welding. It effectively prevents the adhesion of weld splashes and offers full surface protection during welding. It’s a specially formulated product designed for long lasting performance and easy, effective cleaning.
SLV tested, Weicon Welding Spray can also be used for the post treatment of work pieces. After use, bronzing, galvanising, anodising or painting are all possible without special cleaning. When work is completed, any excess residues of Welding Protection Spray are easily removed with Weicon Cleaner S Spray or Fluid.
Weicon Welding Protection Spray is colourless with a solvent-like smell.
Available Sizes
Weicon Welding Protection Spray is available from AG in 400ml aerosol cans.
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